Finding and Maintaining Motivation to Exercise Postnatally

Finding motivation to exercise postpartum can be challenging. There is sadly still a huge ‘bounce back’ culture which makes us think we need to look and feel like we didn’t have a baby...immediately after having a baby. So when don’t feel like our 'old self' after one or two workouts, it can mean we lose faith in the process and think "why bother?"

The process and progress with exercise is slower after having a baby

The fact of the matter is, the process and progress with exercise is slower after you have a baby. Sorry to say it, but it is. Lack of sleep, improper fuelling, irregular routines ... which is why we have to change our mindset on how we approach exercise after birth. It wont be the same; accessing a gym at any point in the day isn't an option with feeds, naps and changes. Its why I place a huge emphasis on finding a rhythm from home, with minimal equipment, with baby in tow so you can get in a routine and not upend your day for it.

Finding your own postpartum exercise rhythm

The last thing we want is for you to see exercise as a chore or overwhelming, so here are some effective ways to get started, find a rhythm and stay consistent, whilst actually enjoying the journey along the way:

  1. Set small, realistic goals: Start with smaller, more manageable goals, like a 10-minute workout. This in itself is a huge accomplishment and wont overwhelm you.

  2. Focus on how exercise makes you feel at the time: Rather than aiming for weight loss or getting into a pair of jeans, focus on the immediate benefits like improved mood, more energy, strength and maybe stress relief!

  3. Schedule in your “me time”: Treat exercise as self-care, not a chore. Taking time for you is allowed. I know you dont think it is, but it is! Taking some me time is a sure fire way to hit the reset button, coming back to life with little ones more energised and ready. Looking after you is looking after the family too!

  4. Find support: An online community can keep you accountable, as well as a coach that cares, but also find support within your family and friends network as well. Make sure your loved ones support your goal of taking time for yourself. It takes a village to raise a child, it takes more than that to raise the mother!

  5. Celebrate small wins: Every workout counts! Whether its 10 minutes or lifting heavier than you did for more reps last week. That is all progress and worth celebrating! Its why an online community can help, they will want to share than win with you!

  6. Remind yourself ‘why’ you’re moving: Whether it’s for your mental health, to feel stronger, for you or for your babies - keep asking yourself ‘why’ you are doing this and you will find your motivation to show up.

By giving yourself grace during this period and shifting your mindset to “taking care of yourself,” you’ll find it easier to stay motivated and remember you dont have to give your 'all' to every workout; you will only lose motivation if you do! When you have less energy, lift less, move less or choose a slower workout like pilates or stretching. When you have more, lift more and move more!

If you want to read more about exercising postnatally, check out the sister blogs:

How to Stay Consistent with Exercise Even When You Have No Time & Why Exercise Can Feel So Challenging After Birth.


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